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2007: exchange at G. Rietveld Academy, jewellery dpt, Amsterdam. NL
2006: DSAD, (Diplôme Supérieur des Arts Décoratifs). Ecole Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, jewellery dpt with S.Hanagarth, F.Lehman. Strasbourg. FR.
2004-2005: exchange at Escola Massana, Jewellery dpt, Barcelona. SP
2004: DNAP ART (Diplôme National d’Arts Plastiques), ESAD, Strasbourg, FR.
2001-2006: Ecole Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, jewellery departement, Strasbourg. FR.
2001: Bac STI arts appliqués (Applied Arts) Lycée Léonard de Vinci, Montaigu, F



March 2009: guest teacher for workshop «en route» , ESAD, Limoges, FR.
Oct/nov 2006: work with touaregs blacksmiths, Agadez, and Bermo, Niger
Oct/nov 2005: Bronze casting, "cire-perdue" Workshop. Atelier Traore, Bobo– Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.
summer 04-05-06: Leather workshop in Lucane.
Villefranche de Rouergue, Aveyron, FR.
July 04 :Maison des compagnons,Leather dpt. Marseille.